Embroidery styles and colors

Six Embroidery Style Options

example of embroidery of a name in all capital style letters

name all caps
example of embroidery of a name in all curlique style letters

name curlique
example of embroidery of a name in script style letters

name script
example of embroidery of a name in upper and lower case letters

name upper/lower
example of embroidery of a monogram in all block style letters

monogram block
example of embroidery of a monogram in script style letters

monogram script


Seventeen Thread Colors

picture of a spool of our black thread

picture of a spool of our violet thread

picture of a spool of our navy thread

picture of a spool of our royal blue thread

royal blue
picture of a spool of our light blue thread

light blue
picture of a spool of our gray thread

picture of a spool of our white thread

picture of a spool of our lime thread

picture of a spool of our kelly green thread

kelly green
picture of a spool of our sage green thread

sage green
picture of a spool of our yellow thread

picture of a spool of our orange thread

picture of a spool of our brown thread

picture of a spool of our ecru thread

picture of a spool of our red thread

picture of a spool of our hot pink thread

hot pink
picture of a spool of our light pink thread

light pink


Complete alphabet of each style option

shows the alphabet used for name all caps, name upper/lower and monogram block embroidery
shows the alphabet used for name curly q embroidery
shows the alphabet used for name all caps, name upper/lower and monogram block embroidery
shows the alphabet used for name all caps, name upper/lower and monogram script embroidery