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I hope you all had a wonderful and safe 4th of July!
So, who's with me? Anyone? Anyone? Come on now, I know I'm not the only one who thinks summer is going by WAY too fast! I mean seriously, I literally feel like I just attended my little girl's kindergarten graduation two weeks ago. And now, she has 1st grade registration in three weeks!! What happened to the days when we were kids and summer vacation felt like it lasted six months? Which reminds me...Toys R Us went out of business ya'll! Can you believe it? I'm still in disbelief that someone made me grow up! (Sorry....got off track).
What did you do for summer vacation? Anything fun? Did you go to the beach or to a Disney themepark? What about on a cruise or maybe camp? Did you take a "stay-cation" instead, and clean house like I did? Yep, good 'ole stay-cation. Nothing can beat vaccuming and mopping your wood floors every day because of all the in-out traffic of kiddos, a play room so cluttered with toys that you literally cannot walk without getting a puncture hole in your foot, and did I mention our maltese, Cloe, had to get a cast because daddy let her out to play with the neighbor's dog, Gus? Apparently Cloe decided to show off for her canine boyfriend with a back flip, only to land on her foot the wrong way. No worries, though, because who needs $600 for a vacation when you can spend it at the vet?
With all the summer excitement so far, I recently realized I needed to start school shopping and this year I wanted to be prepared. I've even ordered Halloween costumes already! Ok, yes, I get a little excited and go overboard, but that's ok. How about you? Have any of my Tooterbug fans got a special place they like to school shop? Maybe it's a place online or in your local area. If you know of some awesome online deals, feel free to share them!
In the meantime, I hope you all are having a great summer and for those that expereinced a less than happy summer or even a tragedy, my heart goes out to you all, and I want you to try enjoy the rest of summer as much as you can...even if it means staying home with choas and clutter. :-) Until next time...
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